Frankie is an energetic spirit who tries to keep some kind of order and neatness in the Nutzzville Community. He helps others whenever he can and is more concerned about everybody else’s feelings than his own. Will always stand up for the underdog,

Ruby is fun loving and is constantly working behind the scenes to make a difference without ever worrying about who gets the credit. She has a true love and caring for all the characters around Fort Hickory. Helps Frankie keep an eye on everyone especially the Gobbler Gang.

Cash pretty much throws all caution to the wind! Always flying around and looking to have fun with whomever in Nutzzville is willing and able. Sometimes he cares more about enjoying himself instead of collecting nuts and taking care of the other chores that need to be done. But whenever anyone needs help or just to hang out with, Cash is the first one to be there.

Hazel is the opposite of Cash. Always keeping things in order, making sure there’s always food and that everything is always in its place. Keeps Cash out of mischief whenever possible. Loves to be part of the fun when she is not busy. Really enjoys looking for ways to make life easier for everyone in Nutzzville.

There’s a reason Coco likes wearing her mask all the time. She thinks it disguises her from everyone seeing her true caring personality. But everyone knows how big her heart is and how much she loves helping the others. She is outstanding at finding extra food for the others even is it means taking less for herself.

Wally is the big, happy, barrel laughing character everyone would love to be. Loves fishing and hunting for berries. He does not need a lot of help himself but his favorite part of being in Nutzzville is being able to help and protect the smaller and weaker characters. Cannot stand bullies and is always willing and able to step in and help. If anyone is feeling lonely and helpless, he is the first one they come to, even if it’s just to talk.

Robin is the “free bird” with no worries. Everything comes easy. Has a bird’s eye view and a keen eye to see who is in trouble and needs help. Robin cannot do much on her own but has a great knack for finding others in Nutzzville who can help out and get the job done. Kind of like bringing worms back to the nest.

Max – The mastermind that keeps the gang together. Always figuring out the easy ways to get things done. Has a heart of gold.

Mila -- Always wants to know why Max is doing what he’s doing and looking for her own ways to create some mischief. Loves looking for snacks.

Reina – The quiet one. Looks up to the older ones but loves to figure things out for herself. They actually use her ideas a lot more than they let on./pr>

Georgia – The wild one. Can’t leave anything alone. Mischief is her middle name. She drives the others Nutzz but they LOVE being around her.

Leo – Always running around not worrying about anything and making sure the others have to always chase after him.